

Carcassonneis afortifiedFrench town in theAudedepartment, of which it is theprefecture, in theRegionofLanguedoc-Roussillon.Occupied since theNeolithicperiod, Carcassonne is located in theAudeplain between two great axes of circulation linking theAtlanticto theMediterranean seaand theMassif Centralto thePyrénées. Its strategic importance was quickly recognized by the Romans who occupied its hilltop until the demise of theWestern Roman Empireand was later taken over in the fifth century by theVisigothswho founded the city. Also thriving as a trading post due to its location, it saw many rulers who successively built up its fortifications, until its military significance was greatly reduced by theTreaty of the Pyreneesin 1659.

The city is famous for theCité de Carcassonne, a medieval fortress restored by the theorist and architectEugène Viollet-le-Ducin 1853 and added to theUNESCOlist ofWorld Heritage Sitesin 1997.Consequently, Carcassonne greatly profits from tourism but also counts manufacture and wine-making as some of its other key economic sectors.