
Perugia is the capital city of the region of [Umbria](/search?q=umbria "Umbria") in central [Italy](/search?q=italy "Italy"), near the [Tiber River](/search?q=tiber-river "Tiber River"), and the capital of the province of Perugia.

Perugia is the capital city of the region ofUmbriain centralItaly, near theTiber River, and the capital of the province of Perugia. The city symbol is the griffin, which can be seen in the form of plaques and statues on buildings around the city. Perugia is a notable artistic center ofItaly. The famous painterPietro Vannucci, nicknamed Perugino, was a native ofCittà della Pievenear Perugia. He decorated the localSala del Cambiowith a beautiful series of frescoes; eight of his pictures can also be admired in theNational Gallery of Umbria.

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