
The City Municipality of Bremen is a Hanseatic city in northwestern

The City Municipality ofBremenis aHanseaticcity in northwesternGermany. As a commercial and industrial city with a major port on theRiver Weser,Bremen is the second most populous city inNorthern Germanyand eleventh in Germany.

Bremen is a major cultural and economic hub in the northern regions ofGermany. It is home to dozens of historical galleries and museums, ranging from historical sculptures to major art museums, such as theÜbersee-Museum Bremen. It has a reputation as a working class city.Along with this, Bremen is also home to a large number of multinational companies and manufacturing centers. Companies headquartered in Bremen include theHachezchocolate company andVector Foiltec. Four-timeGerman football championsWerder Bremenare also based in the city.

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